Welcome to the OIF Library
Our library currently contains about 9,620 journal articles, monographs/collective volumes, book articles as well as grey literature from Austria, the German-speaking countries and the EU. You can use our institute's library and borrow books. Please contact Rudolf Schipfer at +43 (1) 4277-489 13 or by e-mail at rudolf.schipfer@oif.ac.at.
Download Literature
If you want to take a look at the OIF's knowledge and information pool, you can download the available literature as an Excel or RIS file:
- Catalogue as Excel-File (in German)
- Catalogue as RIS-File (in German)
RIS (Research Information System Format) is a standardised file format for the exchange of bibliographic data. You can use it to transfer the data from the ÖIF library to a literature management programme (e.g. Citavi or Endnote).