Smart Working

Andrea Leitner, Elisabeth Frankus, Florian Spitzer, Sonja Dörfler-Bolt, Martina Hartner-Tiefenthaler

The goal of the project was to develop smart working strategies that lead to a better work-life balance for managers and thus reduce access barriers for women in management positions. By "Smart Working" we mean the reflected use of information and communication technologies (ICT) for flexible, location-independent cooperation. Based on company experiences from the increased use of ICT during the Corona pandemic, we developed technical, organisational and legal guidelines for the use of ICT in a participatory approach with companies in order to improve home office and distance leadership. The results were discussed in a concluding symposium and an action-oriented strategy paper for employees, works councils, trade unions and employers, and summarized in the form of a podcast.

Project: Family Studies in Austria
External organisation(s)
Technische Universität Wien, IHS - Institut für Höhere Studien und wissenschaftliche Forschung
No. of pages
Publication date
Austrian Fields of Science 2012
504002 Sociology of work
Sustainable Development Goals
SDG 5 - Gender Equality
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